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Visitors 223
48 photos
These carvings are all done with a combination of chainsaw, gouges and chisels.

Carving in this type of wood is fun and unique looking, but you may experience some cracking over time as the wood dries out or is exposed to weather. A sealer is applied and should be done on a yearly basis based on observation.
Apple SpiritAxe 1Axe 2Axe 3Axe 4Axe 5Axe 6 - SoldAxe 8BrutusBuckBuffaloSpiritBuffalo_Whispers - SOLDBuffalo_Whispers - SOLDBustsCrown of ThornsDisenchanted - DonatedEagle_Spirit - SOLDEagle_Spirit-Front-SoldEagle_Spirit-R SOLDEagle_spirit-side SOLD